Make every cent count

See your card payments clearly with daily transfer notifications, an included transaction-tracking app and card machine features to ensure you’re always in control.

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Transaction tracking app

A real-time view of sales, declines and refunds.

Decline alerts

When a payment doesn't go through, Dojo Go lets you know.

Clear invoices

All your invoices in 1 place with a full breakdown of fees and charges.

Transfer notifications

Get notified instantly when funds have been paid to you.

Keep your takings safe

With point-to-point encryption as standard, and PCI compliance reporting made easy, you can be sure yours and your customers' money is being handled right.

Know when we send your takings

View your previous and future transfers anytime so you’ll always know what we’re sending you. And our instant transfer alerts let you know when we’ve processed your money, for complete peace of mind.

Know exactly what you’re being charged

Each month, we’ll send you an invoice with a clear breakdown of your charges, without taking any fees from your transfers – helping you reconcile your sales.

Ready to get started? It’s easy with Dojo.

Join Dojo hassle-free – enjoy a speedy process designed to support you all the way. No need to change your bank.

Get started

    Paymentsense Ireland Limited, che opera come Dojo, è un istituto di moneta elettronica regolamentato e supervisionato dalla Banca Centrale d’Irlanda con numero di iscrizione C451387. La nostra società è costituita in Irlanda al numero 542166, e la nostra sede legale è: Paymentsense Ireland Limited, 9 Clare Street, Dublino 2, Dublino, D02 HH30. P. IVA: 3274075SH. Paymentsense Ireland Limited opera in Italia attraverso la propria sede secondaria, denominata “Paymentsense Ireland Limited - Italy branch”, iscritta presso la Banca d’Italia al n. 18335, con sede legale in Via S. Marco 21, Milano 20121, partita IVA e numero di iscrizione al registro delle imprese di Milano 13610860960, REA n. MI-2733486. Copyright ©2025 Paymentsense Ireland Limited. Tutti i diritti riservati.