Dojo terms and conditions for payment services

You can find the full terms and conditions for Dojo payment services customers below. You should read these documents carefully.

Terms and conditions

Dojo Privacy Policy 

Privacy Policy

Fees schedule for payment services

This document defines all the fees and charges relating to your use of the Dojo payment services. You should use this to help understand your agreement with us and your monthly invoice.

Fee schedule

Dojo operating guide for payment services

This explains our recommended usage of the Dojo payment services. As per our terms and conditions for payment services, customers should use our card machines and other services in line with the operating guide for payment services.

Dojo operating guide


Dojo Italy Cookie Policy

EU Declaration of Conformity

This document outlines the PAX products that are in conformity with the relevant EU legislation.

EU Declaration of Conformity

    Paymentsense Ireland Limited, che opera come Dojo, è un istituto di moneta elettronica regolamentato e supervisionato dalla Banca Centrale d’Irlanda con numero di iscrizione C451387. La nostra società è costituita in Irlanda al numero 542166, e la nostra sede legale è: Paymentsense Ireland Limited, 9 Clare Street, Dublino 2, Dublino, D02 HH30. P. IVA: 3274075SH. Paymentsense Ireland Limited opera in Italia attraverso la propria sede secondaria, denominata “Paymentsense Ireland Limited - Italy branch”, iscritta presso la Banca d’Italia al n. 18335, con sede legale in Via S. Marco 21, Milano 20121, partita IVA e numero di iscrizione al registro delle imprese di Milano 13610860960, REA n. MI-2733486. Copyright ©2025 Paymentsense Ireland Limited. Tutti i diritti riservati.