Join the payments revolution

Inspiring ideas. Close collaboration. It’s time for a payments partnership that really makes a difference.

Power up your proposition

By syncing the till to the card machine, you’ll give your customers the power to blitz through queues faster, protect revenue by reducing miskeying mistakes and simplify and speed up reconciliation.

Create new revenue streams and accelerate growth

Our UK customer base is able to reduce churn, attract customers with a higher CTO, and get competitive revenue shares.[1]

Get support every step of the way

You’ll get a dedicated Partner Manager for white glove service for onboarding and beyond. Plus you'll access tools, tech, offers, incentives and lots more support to get the best for your customers.

You've got the network, we've got the tech

We’re truly product-led, always striving to evolve and innovate. But innovation doesn’t happen without teamwork. You’ve got the network – we’ve got the game-changing technology.
With our partners in mind, we’ve created a powerful experience to help us grow side-by-side.
From cloud-based integration, to next gen card machines and award-winning support – we’ll give you and your customers everything you need to thrive.

Seamlessly integrate with our tech

Whether you’re using Windows, Linux, iOS or Android, our cloud-based integration means your tech can plug and play.

Refer customers to Dojo with peace of mind

When you partner with Dojo, you can rest assured your customers are getting a fantastic payments experience.

Partner with us today

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By submitting your details you agree to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

[1] Based on internal analysis conducted in April 2023, from Dojo's UK customer base.

    Paymentsense Ireland Limited, che opera come Dojo, è un istituto di moneta elettronica regolamentato e supervisionato dalla Banca Centrale d’Irlanda con numero di iscrizione C451387. La nostra società è costituita in Irlanda al numero 542166, e la nostra sede legale è: Paymentsense Ireland Limited, 9 Clare Street, Dublino 2, Dublino, D02 HH30. P. IVA: 3274075SH. Paymentsense Ireland Limited opera in Italia attraverso la propria sede secondaria, denominata “Paymentsense Ireland Limited - Italy branch”, iscritta presso la Banca d’Italia al n. 18335, con sede legale in Via S. Marco 21, Milano 20121, partita IVA e numero di iscrizione al registro delle imprese di Milano 13610860960, REA n. MI-2733486. Copyright ©2025 Paymentsense Ireland Limited. Tutti i diritti riservati.