Give your business a boost.

From expanding your enterprise to building up your inventory, business funding is there to help you get to the next level. We’ve partnered with YouLend to offer you flexible funding that’s repaid as a fixed percentage of your daily card takings. So if you’ve had a bumper month, you’ll pay a little more. And if it’s quiet, you’ll pay a little less.

Cash flow is vital for the health of any business.

But we know that sometimes you’ll have busy days. And not so busy days… So your cash flow might need a boost.

Traditional bank loans don’t fit the bill because a fixed monthly repayment doesn’t allow for flexibility. 

Which is why we’ve partnered with YouLend to offer business funding that ebbs and flows with your income. 

You can borrow between £1,000 and £1,000,000, and repayments are made automatically as an agreed percentage of your daily card takings. 

So you pay a little more on busy days and a little less on slower ones. 

Unlike a typical bank loan, it only takes a few minutes to apply online.

Once you’re accepted, the funds will usually be in your account after two business days.

And because the total cost of what you borrow is fixed, you won’t have to worry about hidden charges. 

So, whether you’re looking to take on new staff, or give your business an upgrade, you can access the funds you need. 

Business funding. It’s fast, flexible funding on your terms.

Give your business a boost.

Cash flow is vital for the health of any business.

But we know that sometimes you’ll have busy days. And not so busy days… So your cash flow might need a boost.

Traditional bank loans don’t fit the bill because a fixed monthly repayment doesn’t allow for flexibility. 

Which is why we’ve partnered with YouLend to offer business funding that ebbs and flows with your income. 

You can borrow between £1,000 and £1,000,000, and repayments are made automatically as an agreed percentage of your daily card takings. 

So you pay a little more on busy days and a little less on slower ones. 

Unlike a typical bank loan, it only takes a few minutes to apply online.

Once you’re accepted, the funds will usually be in your account after two business days.

And because the total cost of what you borrow is fixed, you won’t have to worry about hidden charges. 

So, whether you’re looking to take on new staff, or give your business an upgrade, you can access the funds you need. 

Business funding. It’s fast, flexible funding on your terms.


Know what you’ll pay.


The repayment percentage is agreed up-front, so you’re in total control. There’s no need to worry about APR and expensive interest rates.


Repay as you earn.


Pay a little more on busy days and a little less on slow ones. You automatically pay back a small percentage of your daily card takings.


Apply in-app or online.


Just provide a few details about your business and select the amount of funding you’d like. Applying only takes a couple of minutes.


Get your business moving.


Once approved, you’ll get your business funding within just 48 hours. And it’s even faster if you’re topping up.


Getting access to the money was easier and faster than I expected. I like the simplicity of small cash advances.

Charles, Liberté Chérie

Get started.

Applying online takes just a few minutes, and because you’ll only be subject to a soft search, it won’t affect your credit score.

Got some more questions about business funding? Take a look at our help centre article.

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